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I am a qualified, caring professional with over 25 years experience in complementary therapy first starting my journey in 1997.  A qualified Energy Healer, Energy Trainer,  Aromatherapist, Massage Therapist and Reiki Master. Over the last 25 years I have worked with many clients specialising in treating the whole person; mind, body and spirit. Using a combination of experience, intuition and inspiration, this centred approach promotes wellbeing. It  alleviates stress and anxiety. It allows a deeper more restful sleep and promotes overall wellness to restore balance, harmony and energy.

It restores passion for life.

Energy Healing

You know the saying 'I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired'? Are you fed up with feeling tired and heavy?

Its exhausting - but it's NOT inevitable, you can feel much lighter. Very often chronic fatigue, pain and illness are caused by stress and past trauma that builds up in our bodies and brains for years. The good news? You already have everything you need to start the healing process. Energy healing can help you connect with your inner peace and true nature to enhance your natural healing ability. It will assist you in letting go of the past and leading a happier, more fulfilling life.

Live Online | One-to-One

Distance Healing

However far off course it seems you are, you’re on exactly the right path to being the best version of you. Let go of the past, be present and live the life you deserve.


Distance healing has the same power and energy as hands on treatments. It is a holistic practice that activates the body’s subtle energy system to remove blockages. This in turn helps the energy to flow, restoring balance and harmony to the system - mind, body and spirit.  Distance energy healing improves the health and wellbeing of an individual. Enjoy healing from the comfort of your home or in a relaxing space of your choosing.


Please remember our booking system is on UK time. If you are outside the UK and would like book a session, please adjust for your particular time zone.


50 minutes

Your home or anywhere relaxing that you choose.

Live Face-to-Face | One-to-One

Personal Healing & Spiritual Guidance

Rebalance and Reconnect With Your True Nature


Energy healing is to restore the balance of energy to support the physical, mental and emotional body. It helps the flow of energy and removes blocks in a similar way to acupuncture or acupressure.

Book a personal, hands on session today to change your life for the better at one of two locations in Cornwall.


50 minutes

The Treehouse, Coombe, St. Austell or The Sanctuary, Wadebridge.

Online Course | Self-Paced 

An Introduction to Energy Healing. - 7 Day Course

If you experience self doubts or low self esteem, constant worry or feeling stuck in the past this course is for you. Alternatively if you’re looking to advance spiritually and practice self love. Look no further.


Live the life you deserve and imagine. Reconnect to your consciousness, the pure essence of you. Know you are worthy and capable of anything.


Connect to your emotional, physical, and mental health systems. Enabling these energy systems to work properly will allow our bodies to live in harmony, the way they evolved to.


Before the agricultural revolution, which is very recent in our species history, we lived naturally. Therefore it was easier to be in sync with ourselves and to listen to our bodies. To hear our intuition. Before this more artificially constructed time, we were at our happiest, strongest, fittest and most knowledgeable. Not only about the world around us and the fragile nature of it’s interdependencies but also about ourselves.


We now live in a world that we haven’t yet evolved to live in. The changes to our lives are happening so quickly, it’s hard to keep up. Every cubic inch of our atmosphere is filled with a man-made electromagnetic energy. We have untold additives in our food, food wrapped in plastics which give off more damaging chemicals that alter us in negative ways and any other number of toxic, damaging or unnatural things in our daily lives which further remove us from who we are as a species.


Unfortunately this is not going to go away. We have to learn how to be in this relatively new world. Energy medicine helps to rebalance our energy field so we don’t become overwhelmed in our systems, which can in turn lead to illness. Welcome to seven days of energy healing for a more balanced, happier, healthier you. This step by step course will help you:


  1. Heal issues holding you back from living a happy and free life.

  2. Release emotional debris, find forgiveness and peace.

  3. Let go of fears that have been holding you back.

  4. Live in the present, so you can reach your full potential.

  5. Reconnect with the inner you.

  6. Live with more peace and calmness in your life.


Part of healing is practicing how to feel good when we so often gravitate towards old or familiar emotions or thoughts that make us feel bad. Daily practices bringing in more compassion for yourself including meditations to help calm your mind and still your thoughts. Daily affirmations which will help you to build a more confident life.


The ability to be present in this moment. We know that healing is a process, but it can also happen in significant awakenings and epiphany’s earned through courses just like this. My aim through this course is to help you experience a higher vibration connecting you to your higher self in order to hold yourself in a more joyous, compassionate state of mind. To let go of any past hurts that are holding you in a lower vibration. To move forward appreciating and loving yourself for who you really are.


To reach the awareness of that unified oneness which we are all connected to, that is holding the space for all of the healing to take place. Understanding that when we connect to it with our awareness fully open, it has an opportunity to become more robust and to allow our natural healing ability to be released.


There are seven modules to this course which will become accessible over seven sessions. There are exercises, mantras and meditations each day which require some time to sink in. Each day, you should carry out these exercises and meditations at least once. Take time to process and enjoy each step. If you can’t commit one day, don’t worry! Your next module will be waiting for you on your return. Your course will be available for twenty eight days after enrolment.

Image by Quino Al


What can I say?

Verity's treatments are transformative. 

I feel so much calmer and my stress levels have significantly reduced. "I arrive in a mess and leave in a dream".


J.P. - Cornwall

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